How to Contact Apple Support Singapore (Authorised Service Provider) IMac
There are 2 contact numbers and addresses of authorized Apple service providers in Singapore: -Ap...
#tutorial #tipsandtricks #zapplerepair #IPhone #macbook #macbookpro #macbookair #Apple #Singapura #IPad #IPod #iWatch #MacMini #iMac

How to install windows for iMac 2017 and above
iMac models back from 2015 and below you can install windows straight away using a usb without insta...
#tutorial #zapplerepair #tipsandtricks #imac2017 #imac #imac2014 #imac2015 #windows10

How to make system faster if your using an external harddrive
When your using an external harddrive on your imac it will be slower as you also have a another buil...
#tutorial #zapplerepair #tipsandtricks #imac #singapore

How to save game app data for steam
In this blog, we are gonna show you how to save game app data from on your pc/oneXplayer So you w...
#tutorial #zapplerepair #tipsandtricks #gaming #steam