How to Enter Microsoft Automatic Repair on Surface Hub

How to Enter Microsoft Automatic Repair on Surface Hub

Microsoft Automatic Repair on Surface Hub.

Do you know what Automatic Repair is?

Automatic repair is a condition where Windows runs in self-repairing mode (system repair) independently because Windows detects a shutdown process or a problem with the system. This Automatic Repair occurs after the PC or laptop starts the process. This automatic repair usually occurs because Windows detects an error or damage in it. The actual function of this automatic repair is to repair damaged data independently / automatically. Well, how to bring up this Automatic repair according to our wishes? In this article, we will discuss how to enter Microsoft automatic repair on Surface Hub.

1. Turn it off using the power switch

2. Then turn on the power switch again

3. Press the power ON, on the right side of the surface hub until it turns white

4. Then when the surface logo comes out and there is a loading circle

5. Just turn it off again using the power switch

6. repeat step 3 times

7. Under the loading bar will appear the word "preparing automatic repair"

Yep, that was how to enter Microsoft automatic repair on Surface Hub. If you have problems with your device or want to buy Apple products, Laptops, Surfaces, and others, you can directly contact us at 021-26081043 (Office) or 0877-8885-5868 via WhatsApp. You can also contact us through our social media on Instagram and Facebook Zapplerepair. Or you can go directly to the nearest branch outlet if you want to directly meet us.

Hope this article helps!