Please pay attention to this when you disassemble the surface pro 3 screen

Please pay attention to this when you disassemble the surface pro 3 screen

Surface pro 3 screen.

Surface Pro 3 is a laptop that is very much in demand. The Surface Pro 3 is the 3rd generation of the Microsoft Surface Pro series after the Pro RT. This is the first surface variant that has a slim body. Surface Pro 3 has advantages over other types of tablet laptops. besides this, the brand from Microsoft is also equipped with an i5 processor and uses an SSD so that it makes data processing faster.

The battery is an important component in a laptop. If the battery is damaged it must be replaced. Battery replacement in surface pro 3 has a hard level of difficulty. because you have to remove the screen first. removing the Surface Pro 3 screen is almost the same as other Surface Pros, but a little thinner and you have to be careful.

how to remove it:
- Prepare heater and cleaner or zippo fluid
-prepare used flexible or cards to open the screen
-prepare mentally, Please relax and don't think about anything else first.

1. Preheat the right side of the screen, as shown above, on the speaker first.
2. Insert the flexible slowly and pull it down.
3. Use Zippo liquid or cleaner little by little, only use it when it's difficult
4. please pay attention to the circle in the picture, it is the most fragile part of the surface pro 3 screen