Pink and Purplish LG Brand Warm Screen for Recent Comfortable LCD MacBook

Pink and Purplish LG Brand Warm Screen for Recent Comfortable LCD MacBook

No Blue Light Filter and with Blue Light Filter.

Often we work too long in front of the monitor screen. This can make eyes tired and dry easily caused by blue light from the screen.

As we know Apple always makes updates on their devices to comfort users. One of them is on the Macbook LCD. To make users more comfortable, Apple combines the device with an LCD output from LG which has a warmer light for the eyes. The screen seems to have shades of pink and purplish that create a soft and warmth atmosphere.

Macbook devices that use this LCD will automatically have a warmer screen display without any setting. So that it makes the eyes more comfortable if you have to spend a long time in front of the monitor screen.

That's a little info about the warm screen on the macbook. Have any interested?

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