Battery Life

Battery Life

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Users ought to try and prolong their batteries for as long as possible. There are many other tips and tricks one needs to know to ensure their battery life for a long time.
Firstly, try to minimise usage of heavy applications on the laptop below 20%. This is because at this stage, the laptop is exerting a lot of pressure on the battery to ensure all the apps are running smoothly. .
Secondly, when charging the laptop, please do not use the laptop. Thirdly, ensure that you do not keep charging your laptop beyond 100% as this will greatly damage the performance of the battery.
If you are to shut down your laptop and not use it for many months, please ensure that you charge your battery only half way before shutting down. Do not charge it to full capacity, nor leave it dead. Also, do leave the item away from direct sunlight and heat. This will ensure that the battery remains for a longer time.

Be careful for new electronic items, if they are not used for more than 1 year, there is a possibility that the battery will be damaged by itself, a new lithium battery that is suspended because it has been left on for too long cannot be revived. 

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Singapore 577186
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